Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!
If you haven't discovered the latest trend on the Internet you're missing all the fun. Twitter is the latest phenomenon to sweep the Internet. It's growing at an even faster pace than Facebook at an astounding 1,382 percent from February 2008 to February 20091.
Imagine if your business grew at that rate? Twitter works like a mini-blog in which users known as Tweeters post messages that are 140 characters or less. Tweeters can post short messages (a.k.a Tweets) on how they are feeling, what they are doing or repost and suggest another article for others to view.
It is easy to get started by going to and setting up an account and profile. You can find me at and click on "Follow". Now you can start following others from your friends, celebrities, politicians and even your mom. In turn others will start following you so you can broadcast yourself or a business to the world! Many companies are using Twitter as a way to market their products and services. Why wouldn't you when you have 7 million2 potential customers and growing?
Social Media websites are changing the face of the internet. Twitter, Facebook and MySpace are changing how we communicate and educate. Chances are that your friends and family members are already doing it or soon will be. Take the time today to get on board before you get behind.
Happy Tweeting!
Works Cited
1 Crum, C. (2009, March 19). Twitter is the Fastest Growing Community. Retrieved March 19, 2009, from
2 McGiboney, M. (2009, March 18). Twitter's Tweet Smell Of Success. Retrieved March 19, 2009, from