Here's a video I created to explain how to post an ad on Craigslist for free. This is Part I of two and explains how to get started. If you don't already have a Craigslist account you can sign-up for free. That way you can keep track of your ads and have access to modify or delete them. You don't have to have an account though to post ads.
Get started by picking the city closet to you or pick a state and then a city. This will set your location as the default home page for Craigslist. Find the category closest to what you'll be posting. If you are selling something find something close to the type of item you'll be selling. Once you click on your choice you'll see some warnings. You should always use caution when selling online. Its best to only deal with local people and those you can meet in person. If you meet in person also choose a public location so you don't put yourself in danger.
Look for Part II of the video on how-to submit your ad description in January of 2008.
Have a great Holiday!